
Artist Statement

It’s always a treat to visit shows, galleries and museums, whether in home towns, other cities or in overseas travels. 

The imagination of visual artists is amazing, whether in paintings, pottery, textiles, sculpture tech, and the infinite variety of mixed media. But any art will do: painted driveways, yarn bombing, charming homemade yard art with ribbons or poems attached.

My own art creation began with a first dance lesson as an adult. The instructor said the following, which I took to heart.  It went more or less like this:

“If you go into a kindergarten class and ask who can sing, everyone raises their hands. If you you ask who can draw, everyone raises their hands. If you ask who can dance, that’s everyone, too. Then society removes that joy from us, minimizing, trivializing, shaming. But it’s still there, in all of us, if you choose to make the effort to find it again.“

I chose. First it was community college classes, then Gage Academy, a home studio, different media classes, and  personal relationships that contributed encouragement, inspiration and friendship.

I began with painting, then mixed media, then collage, then added “things” to paintings or  collage, and it went from there.  
